Kubernetes 1.0 has been lately released - it was announced at OSCON on July 21st. As an OpenStack user, and regular OpenStack infra contributor, I can see a high value on Kubernetes + OpenStack integration. For that reason, I started a project, based on https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/tree/master/contrib/ansible , to automate a Kubernetes cluster using OpenStack (used HP Cloud as a sample). In this post, I will be describing the steps needed to deploy a whole Kubernetes cluster in few steps. All source files used are stored on https://github.com/kubestack/kubestack . Before starting So, what do you need to start? You will need a cloud (HP Cloud, Rackspace...) and a service account with enough permissions to manage instances. You will need ansible ... ideally, you should download ansible branch on https://github.com/ansible/ and use develop branch to work. If you execute: $ source ./hacking/env-setup You will be able to run ansi...