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How to encrypt your home with guestfs

Continued from

For security reasons, there may be the need of encrypting several partitions of volumes on your images.
And you can have a pre-created image with that encryption on place, instead of having to do manually after boot. This can be done with guestfs and luks.

The following script will show how to perform that encryption and mount it automatically:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import binascii
import guestfs
import os

# remove old generated drive

g = guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=True)

# import old and new images
print("Creating new repartitioned image")
g.add_drive_opts("/tmp/overcloud-full.qcow2", format="qcow2", readonly=1)
g.disk_create("/tmp/overcloud-full-partitioned.qcow2", "qcow2", 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) #10G
g.add_drive_opts("/tmp/overcloud-full-partitioned.qcow2", format="qcow2", readonly=0)

# create the partitions for new image
print("Creating the initial partitions")
g.part_init("/dev/sdb", "mbr")
g.part_add("/dev/sdb", "primary", 2048, 616448)
g.part_add("/dev/sdb", "primary", 616449, -1)

g.vgcreate("vg", ['/dev/sdb2', ])
g.lvcreate("var", "vg", 4400)
g.lvcreate("tmp", "vg", 500)
g.lvcreate("swap", "vg", 250)
g.lvcreate("home", "vg", 100)
g.lvcreate("root", "vg", 4000)
g.part_set_bootable("/dev/sdb", 1, True)

# encrypt home partition and write keys
print("Encrypting volume")
random_content = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(1024))
g.luks_format('/dev/vg/home', random_content, 0)

# open the encrypted volume
volumes = ['/dev/vg/var', '/dev/vg/tmp', '/dev/vg/swap', '/dev/mapper/cryptedhome', '/dev/vg/root']

g.luks_open('/dev/vg/home', random_content, 'cryptedhome')

# add filesystems to volumes
print("Adding filesystems")
ids = {}
keys = [ 'var', 'tmp', 'swap', 'home', 'root' ]
swap_volume = volumes[2]

count = 0
for volume in volumes:
    if count!=2:
        g.mkfs('ext4', volume)
        if keys[count] == 'home':
            ids['home'] = g.vfs_uuid('/dev/vg/home')
            ids[keys[count]] = g.vfs_uuid(volume)
    count +=1

# create filesystem on boot and swap
g.mkfs('ext4', '/dev/sdb1')
ids['swap'] = g.vfs_uuid(volumes[2])

# mount drives and copy content
print("Start copying content")
g.mount('/dev/sda', '/old')

g.mount('/dev/sdb1', '/boot')
g.mount(volumes[4], '/root')
g.mount(volumes[3], '/home')
g.mount(volumes[0], '/var')

# copy content to root
results ='/old/')
for result in results:
    if result not in ('boot', 'home', 'tmp', 'var'):
        print("Copying %s to root" % result)
        g.cp_a('/old/%s' % result, '/root/')

# copy extra content
folders_to_copy = ['boot', 'home', 'var']
for folder in folders_to_copy:
    results ='/old/%s/' % folder)
    for result in results:
        print("Copying %s to %s" % (result, folder))
        g.cp_a('/old/%s/%s' % (folder, result),
               '/%s/' % folder)

# write keyfile for encrypted volume
g.write('/root/root/home_keyfile', random_content)
g.chmod(0400, '/root/root/home_keyfile')

# generate mapper for encrypted home
mapper = """
home UUID={home_id} /root/home_keyfile
g.write('/root/etc/crypttab', mapper)

# create /etc/fstab file
print("Generating fstab content")
fstab_content = """
UUID={boot_id} /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
UUID={root_id} / ext4 defaults 1 1
UUID={swap_id} none swap sw 0 0
UUID={tmp_id} /tmp ext4 defaults 1 2
UUID={var_id} /var ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/mapper/home /home ext4 defaults 1 2

g.write('/root/etc/fstab', fstab_content)

# umount filesystems

# close encrypted volume

# mount in the right directories to install bootloader
print("Installing bootloader")
g.mount(volumes[4], '/')
g.mount('/dev/sdb1', '/boot')
g.mount(volumes[0], '/var')

# add on grub parameters'sed  -i "s/.*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\\"console=tty0 crashkernel=auto\\"/" /etc/default/grub')'grub2-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdb')'grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg')

# create dracut.conf file
dracut_content = """
add_dracutmodules+="lvm crypt"
g.write('/etc/dracut.conf', dracut_content)

# update initramfs to include lvm and crypt
kernels ='/lib/modules')
for kernel in kernels:
    print("Updating dracut to include modules in kernel %s" % kernel)'dracut -f /boot/initramfs-%s.img %s --force' % (kernel, kernel))

# do a selinux relabel
g.selinux_relabel('/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts', '/', force=True)

g.selinux_relabel('/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts', '/var', force=True)


# close images
print("Finishing image")

The script performed the following actions:
  • Create a volume for home
  • Generate a random key, that will be used for encrypting the home volume
  • Using that random key, encrypt the home volume using luks_format
  • Once that volume is formatted, open it using the generated key before, using the luks_open command
  • Create the filesystem and add the desired content to the home volume
  • Copy the generated key content to a file in /root, so it can be accessed when booting the system, to automatically decrypt the volume. For security, this key needs to be owned by root, and have 0400 permissions (read-only for root)
  • Generate a /etc/crypttab file, that will be the one used to referenced the encrypted volume. This file needs to have the format:
    mapping_name     UUID=<uuid for home volume>     <path_to_key>
  • Reference that mapping in /etc/fstab file. So instead of mounting the device with the UUID, do it with the following syntax
    /dev/mapper/<mapping_name> /home ext4 defaults 1 2
  • Unmount all the volumes, and close the encrypted one with luks_close
  • If needed, enable crypt and lvm modules on your ramdisk, using dracut commands to regenerate it
  • At this point, the encrypted partition will be automatically decrypted using the desired key on boot time, and will be available to use without manual intervention.
Please note that for extra security, the most secure place to store the encryption key is a removable device, such as an USB disk. This sample worked as a proof of concept, but to provide extra hardening to your system, you shall update it to write key in your removable device, and update mapper to reference that disk instead.


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